Varieties of Capstone Experience

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Although the United States has always had a diverse population, public school curricula are overwhelmingly built around a white, male perspective. Students are learning a whitewashed version of history, literature, science, and more. For far too many American students, the curriculum they’re taught doesn’t represent their lives, identities or experiences. They can’t see themselves in it. WHEN STUDENTS—OF ANY IDENTITY—ARE TAUGHT TO SEE NON-WHITE IDENTITIES AS INVISIBLE OR IRRELEVANT FROM A YOUNG AGE, THAT HAS RIPPLE EFFECTS THROUGHOUT SOCIETY. When students—of any identity—are taught to see non-white identities as invisible or irrelevant from a young age, that has ripple effects throughout society. At the school level, children struggle to relate to the content being taught, or feel like they have to reject a core part of themselves in order to succeed. On a societal level, we continue to produce graduates who aren’t able to break through the systemic barriers that keep global majority communities in the U.S. from accessing economic and social power in the same manner as their white counterparts.

AT IMPACT PUBLIC SCHOOLS (IPS), OUR NORTH STAR IS A FULLY INCLUSIVE CURRICULUM THAT AFFIRMS ALL IDENTITIES.At Impact Public Schools (IPS), our north star is a fully inclusive curriculum that affirms all identities. Our community is made up of people with a rich and diverse set of identities and experiences—including race, sexuality, gender, religion, immigration status, and more. We are deeply committed to ensuring that all identities are celebrated in what/how we teach and embraced throughout our schools.


Review for Varieties of Capstone Experience